Jesus Christ : We confess Jesus Christ, God’s Living Word made flesh, is the Son of the Living God witnessed to by the Hebrew scriptures. He is Lord over every aspect of our lives and communities and seek to follow His ways according to the holy scriptures. We believe that through Christ, God revealed Himself and His intention for the world and that through Christ’s death and resurrection, we have been made children of God, “heirs according to the promise” (Gal. 3:29) and that on the last day we will be raised from the dead to eternal life with God and Christ.
Scripture: We believe scripture is the inspired word of God and that it reveals to us God’s intention for the world through the person of Jesus Christ. By inspired we mean multiple people have recorded their encounters with the divine throughout history, utilizing their own gifts and talents to convey the divine revelation through narrative, poetry, song, letters, etc. The scriptures reveal the story of God’s people and God’s action in the world, so that it may create faith in those who read it. It is through scripture that we encounter the Living God in the person of Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh. It continues to be God’s Living Word, as through the work of the Holy Spirit it continues to work on those who read or hear its proclamation of love and forgiveness through Christ.
Baptism: We practice both infant and adult baptism. According to Romans 6:3, in baptism, God joins us to Christ’s death and resurrection. Therefore baptism is the way in which one is connected to Christ and the promises of new life.
Baptism is the beginning of a life of faith where through the bestowal of the Word and the Water, God’s promises of salvation and forgiveness are delivered to the individual, adopting us and grafting us into the family of God. Jesus states in Matthew 28:18 that baptism and teaching of the gospel should go hand in hand. Thus, baptism can and should be administered as soon as possible, followed by teaching of the scriptures and a life lived in faith. When one is baptized, it is the beginning of a life that is connected to Christ and His promises of new life.

Communion: We believe that Christ is “truly present in, with and under” the bread and the wine. While the bread still remains bread, and the wine still remains wine, Christ is present in these earthly elements. Communion is where the promise of forgiveness of sins is proclaimed, given and internalized in a real and tangible way. (Matthew 26:28)
Creeds: We affirm the traditions of the church in regards to the Triune God (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) in the form of the Apostle’s & Nicene Creeds.
- We believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth
- We believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son our Lord
- We believe in the Holy Spirit
- We believe in the resurrection of the dead to eternal life.
- We are saved by the grace of God alone — not by anything we do;
- Our salvation is through faith alone — a confident trust in God, who in Christ promises us forgiveness, life and salvation; and
- The Bible is the norm for faith and life — the true standard by which teachings and doctrines are to be judged.
- We embrace these uniquely Lutheran distinctive beliefs.